We would love to hear from you, please contact us using the form below:
By Appointments only at the following offices:
1506 / 401 Docklands Dve, Docklands Vic 3008
PO Box 5288 Cairnlea Vic 3023
Mob: 0416 688 877
Fax: (03) 8348 5071
Zero LMI Professional Loan Deals
Borrow up to 90% of the purchase price
No Lender's Mortgage Insurance Premium
Competitive Deals
Additional documents to qualify benefit:
A copy of your registration of the relevant
profession i.e Medical Practioner Board of
Australia or equivalent body along with
employment contract.
Minimum income of $150,000, this may
also include rental income.
You are an Australian Citizen, Permanent
Residence or a Medical Practioner on 457
Visa (talk to us to check if you qualify)